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RT-600 Series

Advanced Wide-band Radio Direction Finder System 

The RT-600/SAR-DF 517 is an advanced wide-band radio Direction Finder system for airborne applications, capable of capturing and indicating directions to any source of an emergency signal.

RT-600 Light

Lightweight Multi-Band Direction Finder System for Airborne SAR

The RT-600 Light is the lightweight version of the RT-600 for UAV mission-critical advanced radio direction finding for the location of radio targets.


iOS Solution for Direction Finding

SmartDF is an iPadOS application designed for iPad devices and allows a tablet to become a display control unit (DCU) for the RT-600 Antenna.

RT-600 Mission Simulator

The RT-600 Mission Simulator is a training system that allows the trainee to detect and track virtual ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter) on a VFR (Visual Flight Rules) sectional chart.

RT-600 Ramptester

The RT-600 Ramptester is the DF (Direction Finder) performance measurement equipment designed for quick test and maintenance of the RT-600 SAR Direction Finder.

RT-14400WP Signal Generator

Portable RF Signal Generator

The RT-14400WP signal generator is a versatile RF/Microwave generator with an OLED display, covering 7 octaves from 35 to 4400MHz, and offering precise power output control.

Get In Touch

  • 8201 Peters Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33324
  • 954-495-8700