Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Products

RT-800 Site (37)
RT-800 Site (17)
RT-800 Site (2)
DR Commander MK2 (4)
RT-800 Site (34)
9020-2G Radios coastal V-UHF station
RT-300 (13)
RT-800 Site (11)
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4-Band VTS Radio Direction Finder

The RT-800 is a radio direction finder for stationary coast surveillance and identification of ships that are transmitting on the VHF radio band. The bearing information from transmitters can be correlated with the corresponding radar target and AIS-position information at a VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) centre.

RT-1000 A/C

VHF Radio Direction Finder (VDF) System for ATC and VTS

The RT-1000 VDF system is designed specifically for ATC and VTS applications and complies with ICAO and DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung) requirements.

RT-1000 MC

The professional solution for complex ATC and VTS applications

The RT-1000 Multichannel radio direction finder is designed for ATC (Air Traffic Control) and for VTS (Vessel Traffic Service). It is a very cost effective solution for applications where more than two simultaneous DF channels are required.

DF Commander MK2

Direction Finder Remote Control and Monitoring Software

The NEW DF Commander MK2 Software includes all the features of the previous DF Commander Software and many new features such as display bearing beams (LOBs) and cross bearings on reference maps (OpenSeamap).


VHF Software Defined Radio for Aeronautical and Maritime applications

The 9000-2GM radios (transmitter, receiver, transceiver) are specifically designed to meet the operational requirements of air and maritime traffic control centers, commercial airports or harbors. Fully scalable and with growth capacity, they feature high reliability, and remote control and maintenance capability.


V/UHF Software Defined Radio for Aeronautical and Maritime applications

The 9020-2G transceiver radio is specifically designed to meet the operational requirements of air and maritime traffic control centers, commercial airports or harbors.
Fully scalable and with growth capacity, it features high reliability, and remote control and maintenance capability.

RT-458 Ramptester

RT-400, RT-500-M, RT-800 Performance Measurement Equipment

The Ramptester is a specialized equipment for testing and maintaining direction finder systems. It enables comprehensive testing of accuracy, sensitivity, and modulation on customer-selected channels.

RT-14400WP Signal Generator

Portable RF Signal Generator

The RT-14400WP signal generator is a versatile RF/Microwave generator with an OLED display, covering 7 octaves from 35 to 4400MHz, and offering precise power output control.

Get In Touch

  • 8201 Peters Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33324
  • 954-495-8700
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