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SAR Direction Finder System for Rescue Missions at Sea
Key Facts:
- Wide-band radio direction finder‚ 118 to 470 MHzMOB functionality.
- High reception sensitivity permits the detection of extremely weak and distant signals.
- Easy installation, no RF cables required.
- NMEA, RS-422, and RS-232 interfaces for system integration and remote control.
- Decode messages on all 19 COSPAS-SARSAT Channels.
- Shows direction and distance to GPS-position of COSPAS-SARSAT beacons.
- UHF band including frequencies of SRD/LPD and PMR devices (used by pirates and smugglers).
The RT-500-M is a high-performance, wide-band radio direction finder designed for professional use in the harshest conditions. It operates between 118 and 470 MHz, including COSPAS-SARSAT (CP-SS) and all other V-UHF international distress frequencies. Extended V-UHF air bands support cooperation with civil and military airborne forces, and the extended FM band covers LMR, PMR-handled radio frequencies. Scan functions allow creating a scan list, scanning all 19 CP-SS channels, or scanning multiple SAR frequencies sequentially (CP-SS…121.5…243.0). Additionally, it decodes CP-SS data from an emergency beacon and thereby displays the beacon’s ID, its latitude-longitude location, as well as direction and distance to the beacon.
The RT-500-M calculates the bearing to an incoming radio signal with an accuracy of ±5° RMS. Standard serial, NMEA, and Ethernet interfaces allow integration with ECDIS systems, sharing DF bearing and location data in real-time. The installation of the lightweight compact antenna (AU) system requires no RF cables. A distance of 100 m between AU and Display Control Unit (DCU) is no problem. The RT-500-M direction-finding system is ideal for SAR, Coast Guard, and Law Enforcement organizations, easy to install on any size of the vessel, and practically maintenance-free.

Bearing Mode:
The Display Control Unit (DCU) displays real time bearing information, status reports, and alarms.
Scan Mode
The “Scan” page enables starting scanning modes as simply and quickly as possible. Various scan modes are shown as a list with the currently activated mode highlighted in green. If no scan is currently active, all scan modes in the list are displayed in gray, where one of the scan modes is marked one is indicated by a green frame.If a scan procedure has been activated, all relevant data of the activated mode will be displayed after switching to the “Bearing” page.

Decode Mode
When COSPAT-SARSAT (CP-SS) frequency is being monitored as the main frequency, the “Monitoring CP-SS'' function is activated automatically. If a CP-SS signal is detected, the system signals an alarm and decodes the pulse, which can be seen on the “Decode” page. If no CP-SS signal is detected for 60 seconds, the system will monitor other frequencies alongside the main frequency, which is monitored with the highest priority.