RT-600 Mission Simulator
RT-600 Desktop Training Solution
Key Facts:
- Replicates the RT-600-A (SAR-DF 517) three generations with functionally accurate display and controls
- Replicates the RT-600-L (Law Enforcement) two generations with functionally accurate display and controls
- Supports up to two simultaneous 121.5 MHz, 406 MHz, LoJack, or ETS beacons
- Records aircraft track and other mission data to support effective debrief
The RT-600 Mission Simulator allows users to immerse themselves in real-world scenarios using a highly accurate model of the RT-600 display control unit (DCU). By training in realistic scenarios and honing their skills using the DCU trainer, users can build confidence and proficiency before taking to the skies. Maximize training efficiency and ensure optimal performance with the RT-600 Mission Simulator. The RT-600 Mission Simulator is designed to run on a computer system equipped with two screens, where the instructor and student monitor their own screen.
Under the guidance of an instructor, users can configure and position up to two distress beacons, operating at 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz, over a VFR Sectional Chart. The instructor assumes the role of navigator, guiding the aircraft based on the inputs provided by the student. As the training mission unfolds, students utilize the DCU trainer interface while a second monitor displays a simulated HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator) display along with the aircraft's position. Throughout the training session, the simulator records essential mission data, including the aircraft's track, to facilitate effective debriefing and analysis.
The RT-600 Mission Simulator is developed and manufactured by SimTechAZ, LLC.

Save Expensive Flight Hours for an Actual SAR Mission
With this simulator, aircrews can gain proficiency in operating the RT-600 radio direction finder without the need for costly and potentially risky in-flight training.